Time with Tots

Unrolling a child’s Torah

Unrolling a child’s Torah

Rabbi Sharon is an energetic and innovative rabbi and educator and has a special ability to connect deeply with children of all ages. As a mother of three, she has spent time both in and out of her home, developing skills and methods necessary for engaging even the youngest audiences with great success!

Currently, Rabbi Sharon can be found co-leading (with her husband, Rabbi Hillel Skolnik – and maybe put a link to his website here) The Rosen JCC of Orlando’s Pre-school Shabbat experience on Friday mornings as well as the Southwest Orlando Jewish Congregation’s monthly Shabbat Sha-bang! service for children ages 2-5 and their families. Come and sing, play and pray together with Rabbi Sharon and her friends!





Shabbat Shabang 1

Shabbat Shabang

Shabbat Shabang 2

Shabbat Shabang

Shabbat Shabang 3

Shabbat Shabang

Teaching with Puppets

Teaching with Puppets at JCC Chanukah event

Getting ready for the hurricane

The day after the hurricane

JCC Preschool Shabbat

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Site by: The Chad Barr Group