Sample Classes


Rabbi Sharon’s teachings are relevant and engaging – view some sample classes that she has offered to students of all ages!

Talkin’ Torah in Tennis Shoes/High Heels – a Woman’s Torah study class

“In The Beginning… The Original First Ladies”: The often difficult and untold stories of the women of The Book of Genesis.  How they set the tone for the modern woman of today!

“The Akeidah/Binding of Isaac” – a study of the gripping Biblical story of the near-sacrifice of Isaac in a thought provoking, layered textual learning approach, meant to connect students to this controversial story and develop modern understandings.

“Halleluyah! Praise God!”: An in-depth study of Psalms 113-118 that comprise the Hallel service, recited in key moments throughout the Jewish year.   Our learning will give students a sense of legitimate meaning in the ancient words of the Hallel, and find reason to praise God even in difficult times.

Hatikvah – “The Hope” – an intense analysis of the music of Israel from classic to contemporary, and how the lyrics are reflective of the political passions expressed within the hearts of its citizens and supporters.


How Are We Obligated to Feed the Hungry?

Understanding Israel: A Closer Look at What Led to Operation Amud Anan – The security situation in Israel is complicated and changes quickly. Sometimes it is hard to know how to engage our children in conversations about current events around Israel. This document is geared for parents of children ages 6-17 to help enter into conversations about the current situation in Israel.

Understanding = Opportunities in the Jewish Market

A presentation to help individuals develop an understanding of what Judaism is all about, and how that understanding can provide them with the necessary language and tools to connect with their Jewish clients.
view presentation (16MB)

For more information about exciting learning opportunities with Rabbi Sharon, please contact her at 216-408-0098 or click here.

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Site by: The Chad Barr Group