Understanding Israel: A Closer Look at What Led to Operation Amud Anan

The security situation in Israel is complicated and changes quickly. Sometimes it is hard to know how to engage our children in conversations about current events around Israel. This document is geared for parents of children ages 6-17 to help enter into conversations about the current situation in Israel.    Please carefully screen all videos and photos before sharing them and trust your instincts about your child’s ability to process this information and the graphic images.

What is going on in Israel?

In the past year the Hamas organization has been launching rockets on cities in Israel, destroying land, buildings and sending people to rush for shelter to protect themselves.  The government of Israel decided on Wednesday that the people of Israel needed to be protected in a better way and launched Operation Amud Anan, Operation Pillar of Defense. This military operation is trying, in a very careful and measured way, to eliminate these attacks on Israel.  It can be a scary time in Israel right now, and as Jews who feel a deep connection to the State of Israel and to the Jewish people, we are thinking about everyone who is living through this war.  We know that IDF is trying very hard to not hurt civilians in Gaza, but also understand that rocket launchers have to be eliminated and stopped from hurting people in Israel.

For more information:  http://www.israelemb.org/washington/pages/default.aspx

Who is Hamas

According to the European Union, the United States, Canada, Japan, and Israel, Hamas is a terrorist organization.  The people who lead Hamas have proclaimed that they want to hurt Jews and to eliminate Israel as a Jewish state.  The Palestinians who live in Gaza are not all Hamas.  But Hamas has been shooting missiles at Israel from Gaza and using people from Gaza to protect themselves.  That is what has lead to Operation Pillar of Defense.

Why has Israel launched this Operation?

Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza have fired more than 12,000 rockets into Israel in the past 12 years.

In response to these incessant rocket attacks, which accelerated in recent days, the IDF has launched a widespread campaign against terror targets in Gaza. The operation, called Amud Anan, has two main goals: to protect Israeli civilians and to cripple the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza. Using advanced technology developed in conjunction with other nations and joint research projects with companies, we know that the Israeli army is trying very hard to not hurt innocent civilians in Gaza. However, we also understand that these rocket launchers have to be eliminated and stopped from hurting people in Israel

Some Israelis, who live outside of the Southern Region, are not experiencing this as a daily war.  Other Israelis, who do live down South, have been spending their time in shelters, protecting themselves.  They cannot go to school, to the mall, or even walk around outside, because of the threat of the rockets.

What does “being at war” look like in Israel for people living in Southern Israel (Ashdod, Ashkelon, Beer Sheva)?

It is hard to live without knowing when a siren will go off.  When you hear the siren, you have about 45 seconds to get to a safe place.  Can you measure how many steps you can take while you count to 45?  It is also hard to sleep at night, not knowing if a siren is going to go off.  Here is one articles that talks what you do when you hear a siren:


What is it like to be a kid in Israel so that we can talk about life beyond this situation?





Where do I go for updates about the situation?




What is the response of the United States?


“We strongly condemn the barrage of rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel, and we regret the death and injury of innocent Israeli and Palestinian civilians caused by the ensuing violence. There is no justification for the violence that Hamas and other terrorist organizations are employing against the people of Israel. We call on those responsible to stop these cowardly acts immediately. We support Israel’s right to defend itself, and we encourage Israel to continue to take every effort to avoid civilian casualties.

Hamas claims to have the best interests of the Palestinian people at heart, yet it continues to engage in violence that is counterproductive to the Palestinian cause. Attacking Israel on a near daily basis does nothing to help Palestinians in Gaza or to move the Palestinian people any closer to achieving self determination.”

What can I do?

There are many different ways as a family and a community to express your support for Israel during these difficult times and throughout the year.  The following are a few examples of how your family might be able to come together in support of Israel today and every day:

  1. Reach out to your local Federation or Israeli Consulate for updates, and information for making donations to support families in the South of Israel.
  2. Plaster your social media platforms with updates from Israel and Israeli media.
  3. Let your representatives in Congress know you stand behind Israel.
  4. Let your local media outlets know you stand behind Israel.
  5. Share this document with your child’s school and email your child’s teacher to inform them that you had this conversation.
  6. Organize a group of families who live in your area, are part of your school or in your synagogue, to meet together so that you can discuss the situation as a group.
  7. Play Israeli music, buy an Israeli book, cook some Israeli food, find ways to help your family celebrate the positive of Israeli life and remember our connections with a Jewish people during these difficult days.

How do I enter the conversation with my children?

  1. Have you heard about Israel in the news recently? How do we take care of things that are important to us?
  2. Sometimes scary things happen in our world.  This is not happening to us, but I want you to hear about this because it is something I am thinking about right now…
  3. I know you are hearing us worry about Israel and I want to talk about some of what the children in Israel are experiencing…
  4. You know Israel is so important to our family and right now there are some special things we can do to help Israel.  Let’s talk about what is going on and how we can help.

Songs about Israel

Here are some links to YouTube videos which reflect our hopes for peace in Israel

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iukOKO-6R0 (Noa and Mira/ Shalom)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4HViPVymlo  (Mushi / Od Yavo)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWAGOGwDs90! (The Shuk/ Medley)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8daGSZeFbk (Jerusalem of Gold)

Write a prayer together:


One of the things Jews do to express their connection to the Jewish people and to the Jewish State is talk about it in the language of prayer. What words of prayer do you want to share to express your feelings about Israel and this situation?

2012 edited by Debra Shaffer Seeman, Jonathan Magen, Rabbi Sharon Barr Skolnik and Rabbi Karen Reiss Medwed Please feel free to use, edit, adapt and share

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Site by: The Chad Barr Group