Why Rabbi Sharon?

“An ordained rabbi goes to rabbinical school to earn an advanced degree after already having an undergraduate degree.  There, she or he studies all kinds of Jewish texts, traditions, and commentaries, philosophy, theology, and prayer.  A rabbi also learns the nuts and bolts of how to officiate at life cycle events, how to talk to and counsel congregants and truly listen to their needs, and the why and how behind many of the customs we practice. 

But what do I think makes a rabbi into a great rabbi?

Creativity.  Compassion.  Commitment.”

– Rabbi Sharon Barr Skolnik


Rabbi Sharon thinks outside the box and constantly develops contemporary, meaningful, and exciting access points to our ancient tradition.  Whether through various Jewish life cycle ceremonies, teaching Torah, tutoring adults and children, or leading religious services, her passion for Judaism is visible to all who connect with her as she inspires them to develop their own individual and unique connections to God, their tradition and their people.  As a speaker and authority on Jewish life, her presentations have been invaluable as a launching point for various groups of people looking to develop their understanding of Judaism to better assist them in connecting with Jewish clients.  Her experiences working as a hospital chaplain provided opportunities for Sharon to learn to listen and hear people each in their own needs.  It was there that she spent hundreds of hours listening, guiding, counseling, and praying together with people of all religions and backgrounds and was transformed because of it. Sharon has been speaking Hebrew her entire life and has a deep-rooted love of the land of Israel.  Traveling to Israel countless times throughout her life and living there for a year with her husband, only served to strengthen her bond to this spectacular country, and Jewish homeland.  She comes from a big clergy family, and therefore has lived and understood the nuts and bolts of Jewish living from her earliest years.  And now, as a mother to 3 young kids, Rabbi Sharon understands the importance of making Judaism come alive for children in a way that inspires them to love God and live good Jewish lives.  Find out how Sharon’s enthusiasm and passion for Judaism can inspire YOU!



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